Wednesday, September 14, 2011

| tips | What must you do when you're being robbed at the ATM machine?

dan salam sejahtera..

Betul tak english kat atas tu??hohoh anyway  putri nak share sedikit info bagaimana nak menghadapi kejadian seperti diatas..

Firstly, if you're being robbed at the ATM machine..
Please, key-in your pin inverse(example: if your password is 123456 than key-in 654321), the money that you want will cash-out but in a time,
police also came to find you as this tehnique is very rare among us.

So, the robber may not runaway as if you're lucky ^^

skill ni memang jarang kena guna..tapi apa-apa pun,
sekiranya anda dirompak dan dipaksa mengeluarkan wang...sila key-in password anda secara terbalik.
sebagai contoh : password anda ialah 123456 then key-in 654321,
duit akan keluar tapi pada masa yang sama polis akan segera ke tempat kejadian.!

P/S: wuargh!!! lama tak update blog..windu aty pulak ^^

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